Friday, June 06, 2008

June is Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome (APS) Awareness month

Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome (APS) is associated with recurrent clotting events (thrombosis) including premature stroke, repeated miscarriages, phlebitis, venous thrombosis (clot in the vein) and pulmonary thromboembolism (blockage of an artery found in the lung due to a clot that has traveled from a vein). It is also associated with low platelet or blood elements that prevent bleeding. Recently, however, even more disease states have been linked with APL including premature heart attack, migraine headaches, various cardiac valvular abnormalities, skin lesions, abnormal movement/chorea, diseases that mimic multiple sclerosis, vascular diseases of the eye that can lead to visual loss and blindness.

The APS Foundation of America, Inc. is the only United States nonprofit health agency dedicated to bringing national awareness to Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome (APS), the major cause of multiple miscarriages, thrombosis, young strokes and heart attacks. We are a volunteer run, community based 501(c)3 non-profit Public Charity organization and is dedicated to fostering and facilitating joint efforts in the areas of education, support, public awareness, research and patient services. Our URL is

Keywords: APSFA, APS Foundation, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, lupus, stroke, dvt, pe, thrombosis, clot, migraine, hughes syndrome, miscarriage, america, usa, anticoagulant, heart attack, APS, PSA

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Volume 9 of the APSFA Newsletter - "Antiphospho...What?" is NOW Available!


The SPRING/SUMMER 2008 volume of our quarterly newsletter, "Antiphospho...What??" is ready to be downloaded. You can download it at the following link:

The next volume will be coming out in August/September, 2008.

Please let us know if there are any topics that you'd like our Medical Advisors to cover in their articles. We try to request topics that people are emailing about or that are discussed on our support forum. ( So if there's anything you'd like to see, please let us know and we'll pass it along to the medical advisors.

We are still in need of patient stories (esp about Pregnancy Loss, Men and Teens or Children), recipes, poems, related book reviews, and anything else you think would be of interest for upcoming newsletters. (book reviews, poems, recipes, articles written by family members, etc.) Please submit articles to the following email address:

If you have an idea and are not sure if it would fit, please feel free to contact us through our contact page on the website, or email us using the email address below. We are open to any suggestions. Without your help we would not be able to include an APS patient's story in each of our newsletters.
Thank you to those people who have submitted articles.

If you have submitted an article and we have not used it yet, we will be using it in the near future.

Please remember to check our website for any changes at the following link:

Thank you for your continued support!

Keywords: APSFA, APS Foundation, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, lupus, stroke, dvt, pe, thrombosis, clot, migraine, hughes syndrome, miscarriage, america, usa, anticoagulant, heart attack, APS, newsletter

Sunday, June 01, 2008



Date: 06/02/2008
Contact: Christina "Tina" Pohlman

Phone: 608-782-2626

Website Address:

Email Address:


The APS Foundation of America, Inc. (APSFA) has declared June as National Antiphospholipid Antibody (APS) Awareness Month. We are educating the public and medical community about this disorder, urging people to Get in the Flow!

This disorder threatens to become more common than Lupus and Multiple Sclerosis.

The APSFA is sending petitions to several states to make June APS Awareness Month. The APSFA will be attending conferences, medical seminars, grand rounds and health fairs to share the patient perspective and provide awareness of APS throughout the month of June and also encouraging the community to Get in the Flow.

Individual and APSFA fundraisers will be occurring throughout the country to help promote APS awareness and help support the mission.

Knowing more about APS can make all the difference. Get in the know and Get in the Flow!

The APSFA is the only United States health agency dedicated specifically to bringing national awareness to APS. We are a volunteer-run, community-based, non-profit organization.

For more information Contact:
Christina "Tina" Pohlman at Phone: 608-782-2626

Website Address: Email Address:


Keywords: APSFA, APS Foundation, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, lupus, stroke, dvt, pe, thrombosis, clot, migraine, hughes syndrome, miscarriage, america, usa, anticoagulant, heart attack, APS